- Details
- Written by Simon Peter Evanoff Tygesen
From $300.00 /month
Get instructed by one of the best art coaches and instructors for bringing your creativity to the next level.
Unblock any creative skill, whether you're a writer, painter, sculptor or art director.
Through reintroducing and training you in the art fundamentals like drawing and painting, focusing on problem solving. Thus helping you to see without labeling or judging what you see so we can open your mind to possibilities and opportunities.
This will benefit any age group from 8 years of age to advance beyond what regular art classes can teach you, as we combine art fundamentals, creative coaching and right brain focused problem solving.
Reserve your seat today, to make sure you can get in on next months classes before they fill up.
- Details
- Written by Simon Peter Evanoff Tygesen
Are you a blocked artist?
Are you experiencing a creative dry spell?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away were you a poet, sketcher, painter, actor, musician and you just want to know how to get some of that back?
Private art lessons and art coaching are at my studio in San Diego or at our new location in Malibu, California (or some can be arranged online) for $100/hour
Email for a free 15 minute consulation!
Sign Up For Private Art Lessons Today!

Private Photoshop & Lightroom Lessons

Therapeutic Art Life-Coaching
Therapeutic Art Life Coach Certificate
Visit The Art Studio
- Details
- Written by Alexis Evanoff
Hello my dear fellow human beings. I am not interested in fomenting any panic, and I know that keeping a calm heart is definitely the best kind of medicine, but I must acknowledge that these most certainly are critical times that we are living in.
Our art studio is located in San Diego, California, and in accordance with current state and county guidelines we are going to take all precautions necessary to make our studio continue to be a place of safety and healing. We will remain open to the public, however, we will be open by appointment only. I will still be holding one-on-one private art and creativity lessons in the studio and online. However, hand santizer will be dispensed upon entering the studio, and a distance-thermometer will take your temperature. If you have a fever, you will be asked to cancel your visit for the day and reschedule when you are feeling better. Regular cleaning and santizing of the studio will be taking place and social distancing practices recommended by the World Health Organization will be followed.
All of that being said, however, you would be most welcome to visit the art studio. Right now are stressful times and art is incredibly healing. Due to this, I am opening up more space in my schedule for private lessons and coaching, both in person and online. I am a certified Theraputic Art Life Coach and I am currently offering lessons using techniques from Theraputic Art, the Artist's Way, and Drawing Instruction classes that emphasize the use of the so-called Right Brain mode, which, I find, is an excellent way to help focus on the beauty in the world.
Click here to see my webpage on Private Art Instruction and current prices.
Love will get us through this. Remember that Love never fails.